Sunday, January 23, 2011

What a Weekend - Daily Photo 23/365

What a weekend we had.  It's been so long since the DH and I took a Saturday to just kick-back and do what we want rather than filling the day with chores that needed to be crossed off the list. The first thing we did was completely unplanned. 
As happens in many marriages either the husband or wife decides it's time for the other to clean out the closet of all those clothes that are no longer worn because there just isn't anymore room.  It finally happened, the DH pulled down a couple shirts and it went from there.  We had two piles: Donate and Rags, you know, the things that are only good for cleaning a paint brush.  In about 90 minutes we had everything in the car.

The DH is a very contented person who rarely wants anything.  This makes shopping for him both difficult and easy.  Difficult to come up with gift ideas but easy because he's always happy with what he gets.
But every few years he finds something that he wants so I quickly jump on board and we go shopping, which is what we did after cleaning out the closet.

We spent about six or seven hours shopping.  What you need to understand is that our shopping styles are completely different.  I decide what I want before I leave the house, find it, buy it, go home.  The DH decides what he wants, goes to every store that sells it, asks the same questions at each store and suffers Buyers Remorse...BEFORE HE EVER PLUNKS DOWN ANY CASH!  Normally this is an exhausting process but not this time.  We were out to just enjoy the day and each other so that's what we did.

We found the item he wanted for a better price than we expected  but rather than buying it he was ready to go home to think about it.  What?!  You want to go home and think about it?  Are you kidding me?  After grabbing a Chick-fil-a sandwich we were going to head home when in walked The Amazing Ones (with Mommy & Daddy in tow).  We sat with them while they ate, told them about our day, then decided to take them to the store to show them what we're looking at.  After begin suitably impressed everyone decided to go home.

As we walked to the car I asked the DH if we were going to go back to the store we'd visited earlier in the day because we'd told them that we were going to make a decision that day.  The DH thought about it for a few seconds then decided that that would be the right thing to do.  After all, the salesman had spent a lot of time with us, promised to price match, and even offered free next-day delivery.

We walked into the store, found our salesman and the DH decided to pull the trigger.  We did it, we signed on the dotted line. This morning at 8:15 we were awakened by the door bell (we still had 15 minutes before we had to get up).  It was the delivery truck!  What was delivered?  A monster.  That's the best way to describe it.  A 60" monster.  Take a look...

The Amazing Family came over this afternoon to help put it in place -- THANK YOU, then this evening the DH and I hung the 46" tv in the bedroom and we got it all hooked up by ourselves.  That's actually an incredible thing.  The Amazing Dad will be so proud of us.

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