Monday, January 24, 2011

Waiting for the Gas Man - Daily Photo 24/365

Our water heater is located in the garage and before leaving for work this morning my DH asked that I call the gas company - he could smell gas in the garage and the smell was strongest closest to the water heater.  Actually, the smell was noticed yesterday but we didn't do anything about it until today.

When I reached the gas company I learned that they take possible gas leaks very seriously.  The lady I spoke with instructed me to bundle up and get out of the house, do not turn anything on or off, don't even hang up the phone - she'd disconnect it from her end - and a technician would be dispatched immediately.

Since I had to go out I took my camera with me and wandered around the neighborhood looking for today's photo.

Today I was intentionally looking at things differently, looking closely rather than glancing over everything in hopes of something catching me eye.  It's amazing what one can see when taking the time to really see.

The fungus growing on the tree bark reminds me of a marinescape.

Seeds waiting for the right time to drop to the ground, continuing the cycle of life.

More bark covered in flower-esque growth.

Someone had found a hive and thrown it out onto the grass.

Science was never my strong suit but isn't this a cocoon of some sort?  It was hanging off a tree branch about eight feet off the ground.
The gas leak was only a small "bubble leak" that was easily fixed.  The technician was throrough, he checked everything gas-related while here, even putting new lanterns in the outdoor gas lamp. 
All is well, no explosions are in our immediate future.

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