Thursday, January 6, 2011

A New Project

As you know I've challenged myself to capture a new image everyday in 2011 and post it here. Apparently that isn't enough of a challenge for me because I just joined the Paint The Moon Let's Do 52 photo challenge.  This one is not as overwhelming - only one photo each week.  If you're interested in joining the group you can sign up here.  It's free, it's fun and it's a good way to stay creative.

This is my Let's Do 52 shot #1
Processed with PTM Paint with Color and Lighten & Tone actions with an edge burn action from Pioneer Woman.

This morning (finally a sunny & mild day) I was out prowling for something to catch my "camera" eye when I came across this grouping of rocks in a local park.  The texture and shadows were what caught my attention.  When I brought the image into my processing software I was pleasantly surprised by what my camera saw but my eyes had missed.  In the bottom right portion of the picture I see a beady eye and the sharp teeth of a crocodile lying in wait.  Can you see it too?

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