Friday, January 7, 2011

Temptation - Daily Photo 7/365

We still have some Christmas/New Year's goodies sitting around the house and Monday brought the first day of Healthy Eating.  To me the goodies equal temptation so rather than eat them I decided to use some of them for today's Daily Photo.

Puppy Chow has become an annual treat that my daughter makes for the Christmas holidays.  If you love chocolate and peanut butter you'd love this treat.  (Let me know if you want me to post the easy recipe.)  This year, she sent some home with us in a cute little snowman container.  Now I just keep repeating to myself, "I can look but I can't touch.  I can look but I can't touch.  I can look but I can't touch."

1 comment:

Avery said...

love the pic gran. yummmmm! puppy chow! i just keep forgetting to blog. sorry! i will try to make time.