Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blue & White - Daily Photo 76/365

Why is it that my car can be making all kinds of noise or have some other kind of problem but when I tell my DH about it and he investigates it works perfectly?

That's the same situation I have with all things computer.  The last two days it's been giving me fits.  My ISP says, "Not me."  The diagnostics run on my computer say, "Not me."  The former anti-virus software says, "Not me."  The new anti-virus software says, "Not me."
Yet, the internet connection, at best, is veeeeeeeerrrrrrrry slow and at worst is non-existent. For 48 hours!

So tell me, why, when my SIL/computer guru comes over to fix it everything is working fine?!  Sheesh!

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