Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cloudy with a Chance of Pranks - Daily Photo 91/365

This post is a day late but these are still shots from yesterday.  I was just too tired to sit at the computer yesterday evening and process then post the images.

The Amazing Ones I & II were over yesterday to help me do some things around the house.
They make everyday tasks easier and more fun.

Then, just as we'd finished, Mommy called.  She needed to run an errand so I asked if she'd bring Amazing One III and Amazing One IV over too. 
That allowed Mommy to run her errand quickly - she even took her time & browsed but was back much too soon.

I knew that being around Amazing One I and Amazing One II yesterday was living dangerously.  They're expert pranksters and as we all know, yesterday was an official holiday for pranksters.

Tonight is the birthday party for my DH and I warned the Amazing Ones that JH would be here and he is King of the Pranksters so watch out, he won't care that today isn't April Fools Day.

So they're plotting.  They want to have a prank all set up and ready so they can dethrone the king.
They tried to employ my help but I refused, this is their prank.  Besides I don't want to put myself in JH's sights.  Nope, I don't live that dangerously.

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