Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It Took Me A While

...but I finally have a couple images to post.  It's not that I haven't been taking any pictures because I have, but I've been posting them on my FB page because they're portraits. 

Today the light was quite good for taking pictures - a bit cloudy so the light was even. 
Our neighbor across the street has a magnolia tree in their yard.  This is the time of year that the magnolia's are blossoming. 

This is the inside of the blossom - all the petals have fallen off.

I used a vintage fairy-tale action on this image.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


The weather has not been conducive to photography - at least to my photography.  I have to admit that it has felt a little odd not posting a picture each day, but it's also been something of a relief.  I'm not kidding, I would have been so stressed this past week if I'd had to come up with an image each day.

We've been experiencing some bad weather for the past week. Wind, tornadoes, lightning, rain...lots of rain.  Some places are supposed to have higher flood levels than they did last year during our 1000-year flood.  But people have beem taking the forecasts seriously and also preparing much earlier.

The sun is supposed to make another showing later today, well, it might be tomorrow, but the rain is supposed to be done for a few days. That should all mean that I'll have some pictures to share soon...I hope.